About Art and Soul Preschool

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Play Dough Fun with Marbles and Gems

I saw on Pinterest the idea of working with marbles in clay.  A simple idea that I thought my kids would love.  I also put a container of gems out for them as well to see what they  would do.
I Loved what I started to see in their play.
We had just finished several weeks working with clay, and the children were using the techniques they had developed from working with clay on the play dough.
They began making little marble/play dough sculptures by attaching the pieces together with a little play dough inbetween.  Some reading this may be wondering why I was so excited about this, but as an Early Childhood Educator, it is thrilling watching the children make connections, and build on skills they have developed. The elephant in the picture featured above, was the perfect example of something learned crossing over into knowledge

Another sculpture in the works

A snow-woman with a scarf

A penguin friend.

Gem mountain!
I love seeing her reflection in the big marble.

The play soon turned into making Dinosaur Land, and T-Rex took over.
Needless to say it was a lot of fun with play dough.
I am attaching our wonderful play dough recipe for anyone who may want it.
It lasts for months and is always soft and pliable.  The kids love making it with me.
Play Dough
4 Cups flour
1 Cup Salt
4 Cups Water
4 Tbsp. Vegetable oil
1/2 Cup Cream of Tartar (get it from a health food store bulk sections, it is cheaper)
food coloring
(we sometimes add essential oil or glitter to our)
Mix all ingredients (except food coloring and glitter, ect.)
Cook and stir over low/medium heat until play dough in no longer sticky.  Allow
to cool slightly then knead and add in your coloring and whatever else you may want to add.  Keep in an air tight container or Ziploc bag.

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