About Art and Soul Preschool

Monday, January 7, 2013

Clay Angels and Figurines

Today we are back from vacations and it has been a lovely day.
I remembered I never posted about our clay angels and figurines.  One of the children mentioned that their mama loved it.
I loved this project as well.  As the children spend more time with clay, naturally they get more creative with it and more skillful.  This was a great project because they were getting rather proficient at attaching clay pieces using slipping and scoring.

They first rolled out slabs of clay

They then were given tubes with newspaper wrapped around them so the clay would not stick to the tube.  They then slipped and scored the edges together.  I had them do their figurines this way rather than a solid piece of clay because they are not at a point where they get all their air bubbles out of the clay and we didn't want any of their pieces to blow up in the kiln.

After they slip and scored the sides together they were free to stand them up.

I have a mold for little faces and the children wanted to use them and attach them to their form.

A face after it was placed in the mold, is now ready to be attached to the body.

Artists hard at work.

A figure after the bisk firing and waiting to be painted.

We didn't have time to do a glaze firing, however I love these metallic paints on the
sculpture, I think they did a beautiful job.

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