About Art and Soul Preschool

Friday, March 16, 2012

More St. Patty's Day Fun

In addition to our Leprechaun Traps this week, we also made some very tasty Irish Soda Bread, which is my mom Patti's recipe, so I like to call it St. Patti's Irish Soda Bread.  Here is her recipe, hope you try it out, it is yummy!

St. Patti's Irish Soda Bread

4 cups flour
1 stick softened butter
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1tsp salt
4 Tbls Sugar
1 1/2 cups currants or raisins
1 1/2 Tbls Caraway Seeds
1 1/3 cup low fat buttermilk
1 beaten egg (save a tsp to brush on top)

Preheat oven to 375 degrees

Mix buttermilk and beaten egg
in separate bowl mix dry ingredients including currants and caraway seeds
Add butter to dry mixture and stir until crumbly
add buttermilk and egg mixture to dry ingredients
mix and knead until smooth

*Form into small round loafs the size you desire.  We doubled the recipe and were able to make one large loaf to share at snack and 6 small round loafs to send home to parents.
* cut a cross on the top and then brush with the tsp. beaten egg that was put off to the side.
*bake for 50-70 minute, "knock" on top and if it sounds hollow it is done.

In addition to the bread, we dyed white carnations green.

Adding color to water is so much fun for the kids, and I always have to admit, I love the way it looks as well.

Adding the flowers to the colored water

They each were able to add there own, and I think they checked to see if they were changing colors every minute that day.  It can start as soon as 1/2 hour, ours took an hour.  I think we should have used some more food coloring.

They came out a light green with a dark green edge. 

Handing out the flowers and bread to mom's at pick up time.

They were so excited and proud, and though I didn't get a picture of it, the cutest part was these little boys hiding the flower behind their backs before giving them to their mommas

Green Pepper Shamrock Prints

I saw a neat post on pinterst where they were printing with green peppers and they made the perfect print of a shamrock.  We gave it a try and had a ton of fun with it.

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