About Art and Soul Preschool

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Learning Through the Life of Dr. King

On Monday we played, played and played, but as it was the celebration of Martin Luther King's life, we took time to talk about this wonderful man and his message to the world.  The children looked at pictures of Dr. King (the name we used because it is easier for preschoolers to say.)  We sang songs and we talked about peace and what that word means.  They know the word but when I asked if they knew what it meant, they really couldn't put it into words, so we had a long discussion about peace and accepting and loving each other. 

 As always they amaze me with what they say and do.  One child said a beautiful thing; "peace is love in my heart," and then she hit the child who was next to her because they spoke while she declared her thought.  Seeing this it made me realize two things...preschoolers will be preschoolers, but also how we have great vision and beautiful thoughts about the world and how difficult it is to truly live those ideals.  To catch ourselves when we are in contradiction to these thoughts.  This is me speaking as an adult, but it is something to keep in mind while working with children.  They are always learning from the world.  This example was actually a great teaching moment because we addressed the behavior and talked again about peaceful actions and how to say things with words, rather the using our hands.  How perfect this life is, in the midst of a discussion on peace, we were given an actual example and a way to do better.
This was Dr. King's message after all: "Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protests to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force.

The songs we sang:

Mar-Tin Lu-ther King
Sung to the tune of "Bingo"

There was a man who had a dream
His name was Mar-tin Lu-ther King
Mar-tin Lu-ther King, Mar-tin Lu-ther King Mar-tin Lu-ther King
His name was Mar-tin Lu-ther King

Doctor King, he had a dream
He wanted peace for everyone P-E-A-C-E
His name was Mar-tin Lu-ther King

Freedom, Freedom Let it Ring
Sung To: "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star"

Freedom, Freedom let it ring
"Let it ring", said Dr King
Let us live in harmony
Peace and love for you and me
Freedom freedom let it ring
"Let it ring", said Dr King.

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