We had a special treat today, one of my students brought his 6 baby chicks to school! We also had a visit from his younger brother, and my assistant's son, so we had a full and excited house. Everything had a wonderful charge, and although there was more going on than our typical day, the energy in the school was that of pure Joy!
Brothers proud of their chicks.
They were on the move, so they are a bit of a blur, but very cute.
The red you see is from their heat lamp.
When the chicks first arrived they were quickly, and I am sure overwhelmingly loved by the children. You can see the thrill as well as tenderness on the faces of the children in these picture.
After a little bit of excited adoration, I had the children leave the chicks for a little bit so they could adjust to their new surroundings. Literally 5 minutes after all the children left the room, I went to check on them and they were all cuddled up in a pile and fast asleep. I would be too after 11 preschoolers with untethered excitement and love came circling around me.
After that brief break from all the children being in the kitchen, the children on their own sort of establish a calm where they would drift in and out of the kitchen spending time with the chicks. They were very respectful, giving the chicks their space and gently petting them.
Later during art time, they sat around the chicks with their clipboards and did observational drawings. As you will see below, they did a wonderful job.
The children began to hold their pictures up to each other and talk about what they were drawing, even some of the chicks looked interested in the drawings.
They then decided to show the chicks their drawings.
I love how some of the chicks look like they are really looking at the drawings.
Here are some of their drawings

T.M. J.P
"A Wing" -A.R.
I thought I would end the post with this picture, now if that isn't joy, I don't know what is!