The Garden Project
Since April we have been exploring gardening and now that the warm weather has been with us for some time, we are getting ready to take our seedlings and put them into the new Art and Soul Garden in the back yard. In addition to this garden, we have planted some of our seedlings at the base of our new fort. This will be a magical living play structure that we can graze on while we enjoy the shade and mystery of this charming play hide out.
The kids have been excited about this process from the beginning. We have been reading books about gardening, making paper to plant in the garden, have been observing our seeds growing into seedlings and soon big beautiful plants. They have also been creating sketches of their plants and making garden stones. I believe pictures are the best way to document this process so enjoy the journey below.
Planting morning glory seeds, sunflowers and nasturtiums
The egg cartons have been wonderful!
The plants germinated in one week!
These are our plants at two weeks, big and beautiful
Our new fort that I made using tree branches and weaving grapevine
The excitement of planting our new plants at the base of the fort.

(Later in the season this is what our fort started to look like)
Our little fort in which we grew morning glories and runner beans
Art and Gardening
Sketching the plants that we haven't planted yet
Ellie is telling me about the stem and plant leaves.
We cut some iris from the garden and sketched them on another day.
Here Jasper is talking about his artwork and comparing it to the real flowers.
Garden Stones
Next we began to paint some garden stones to place in the path of our garden
Elianna adding glitter to make the stones Shine!
Art and Soul Preschool Garden
Our next Garden project was to turn the soil in the place in the yard that was chosen to be the
Even little butterflies came to help out.
Myles planting our first tomato plant.
More to come as our garden grows.....
And grow it has
August 22, 2011
So the garden is thriving and I had to share these pictures of our first cucumber!
This is our backyard play place.
To the immediate left is the children's garden.
The Garden Plot!
Harvest Time
October 17th, 2011
The garden is beginning to change from lush green to shades of brown, however our morning glories are a magical blue traveling along our fence.
the pictures below show how the garden continues to change and be a part of our little school.